Mother & Unborn Baby Care receives no government money, but relies completely on donations to our work. We are mostly volunteers, with only one paid staff.
We are grateful for your help in any of these ways, or if you have other ideas, please feel free to contact us to discuss them!
- Baby Bottle Drive, or any fundraising events benefiting the Center. Contact us with questions.
- Invite a Speaker from the Center for your event. Contact us to discuss time and place.
- One time, or monthly donations
- Social Media. “Like” our Facebook page and share it with your friends!
Mother & Unborn Baby Care benefits from the support of many caring, dedicated volunteers who assist us in so many ways, to continue our outreach to women in crisis pregnancy. Our volunteers are generally scheduled for a day, or a half day a week. The Center is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will soon be keeping a volunteer counselor on call on Saturday mornings to assist, if needed, with women who have come to us from the abortion clinics, with the help of the sidewalk counselors.
We need doctors, lawyers, counselors and nurses for a strong resource base. We especially need nurses, both in the pregnancy center and on-call for assistance with documentation and sonography. Volunteer counselors in the center who offer Christ-centered peer counseling to mothers who are abortion-minded, or abortion-vulnerable, are provided with in-depth training in the Center.
There is always a need for help in fund-raising, in website design and updating, and periodic help with projects at the Center.
If you are interested in sharing your talents to assist us in our life-saving work, please contact us!