Mother & Unborn Baby Care is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization serving women in crisis pregnancies and their families since June, 1984. MUB operates a Pregnancy Options Center located in Fort Worth, in the downtown hospital district. We offer real hope and practical assistance to the woman who must decide under pressure whether her unborn child will live or die. Her entire future life, happiness and destiny are at stake! Nothing is more crucial at this time than making available to her the positive alternatives for life, as weighed against the destruction of abortion. With the compassionate care offered to the woman who comes to us, most who are abortion-bound (85%) will decide to bring their baby to birth. We have been blessed to assist over 8,000 babies into this world!
Our services are available to all regardless of age, marital status, race, religion, legal residence, or economic status.
Our Center provides to our clients:
- Free pregnancy tests
- Confidential peer counseling
- Abortion information
- Morning-after Pill information
- Immediate appointments
- Material support
- Referrals to other services and programs
- Free limited sonograms